Fields of
Water Treatment & Water Supply
Oil & Gas Applications
Chemical Industry
Flue Gas Desulfurization
Seawater Desalination
Fertilizer Industry
Potash Industry
Pressure Boosting Systems in Industrial Processes
Condensate Production
and many more
Application areas
Pump solutions suitable for several areas.

DÜCHTING PUMPEN has worked in desalination with high-pressure centrifugal pumps in reverse osmosis now since the early 90s. While the demand for higher quantities and pressures has risen over the past years, DÜCHTING PUMPEN has kept up with the development and can now offer high-pressure pumps, including energy recovery units. The materials used for these pumps have been tested in numerous applications, and the performance data has been adjusted to market demands by means of task-flow program.
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The flue gas cleaning in Germany really started with the adoption of the “Großfeuerungsverordnung” – a regulation for open fire – in 1982. From the very beginning DÜCHTING PUMPEN took part and today has one of the largest populations in European power stations. With the development of the material SICcast, now almost every FGD pumps are built completely in SICcast. Through this unique and innovative technology, our products are increasingly interessting beyond the borders of Europe.

Since the early 50s, DÜCHTING has supplied the mining industry, especially German hard coal mining, with pumps – at first in the form of maintenance and primarily with respect to underground mining. In the following years, new pumps and wear-resistant centrifugal pumps for the processing of coal were added. Today, DÜCHTING PUMPEN covers the entire market for centrifugal pumps in mining, including high-pressure cooling centrifugal pumps.

industrial applications
The chemical industry profits from the SICcast-material of DÜCHTING PUMPEN. As far as this field of application is concerned, the high chemical resistance of SICcast is of primary advantage: Its corrosion resistance with respect to acids may even exceed that of Ni-alloys. In the chemical industry, only pumps of smaller sizes that are entirely made of mineral cast are being employed. A metal-free pumping chamber can be achieved by employing both single- and double-acting mechanical seals.
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